Kit moderno para encontrar trabajo
¡La caja de herramientas definitiva con todo lo que necesitas para conseguir el trabajo de tus sueños!
Si ya sabes la dirección laboral que quieres tomar, es hora de ir hacia allí.
¡Y estás en el lugar adecuado!
Este curso es perfecto para aquellos que ya han identificado el trabajo de sus sueños y necesitan actualizar su CV y solicitudes de empleo rápidamente. Obtendrás ejemplos prácticos, modelos a prueba de balas y tutoriales para mostrar tu talento. Todos los consejos están basados en la experiencia profesional de reclutadores y asesores profesionales y se centrarán en las últimas herramientas y métodos que te llevarán un paso más allá del buscador de trabajo estándar.
Así que si necesitas algo que destaque, eso es lo que vas a conseguir en este curso. ¡Bienvenido/a a bordo!
Tras el curso te irás con:
- Kit moderno para encontrar trabajo:
- Reimagina tu currículum con puntos críticos que el 90% de la gente sigue olvidando añadir.
- Un perfil de LinkedIn increíble.
- Un portafolio online moderno.
- Modelo de ejemplo y herramientas para crear un vídeo currículum.
- Una entrevista de prueba con las 10 preguntas más habituales de los reclutadores.
- Tu elevator pitch personal.
Your Instructor
I'm a Modern Career Coach and Renewal Strategist enthusiastic about #TheFutureOfWork and how that is affecting people's careers. From background I'm HR Leader, specialized in talent acquisition and recruitment, with +10 years of experience from various roles in international IT and creative gaming companies. I've been ramping up offices and games studios around the world (Finland, Sweden, China, Spain) and have now wrapped all my insights into this course for you.
Based on what I have seen, many people could bring out more their strengths, skills and creativity in their applications and could perform better in job interviews if they had the chance to practice in advance.
Through The Career Atelier and this course you can get a compact package that includes all aspects of what you will be needing nowadays in getting your dream job.
The competition is fierce and there are often dozens of great candidates competing for one job - so how to differentiate and get noticed? By showing off what YOU are best at and by ensuring that will be noticed also by others.
I believe that all of us have superpowers - sometimes they just need to be found.
The best part of my work is being able to inspire others to take those first brave moves towards a new direction - and to celebrate the success together!
You can find my online CV from here - and by the way, if you sign up for the Towards a New Beginning course I'm gonna show you exactly how you can make a similar online CV for yourself!
Welcome to also take a peek behind the scenes and to get the latest Career Atelier Tips in Instagram :)
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.